It’s hard to find characteristics, which would explain what makes us
human. Scientists use negations in order to explain this term. There is no one
definite answer to this question and researches are still in the search for
the right answers. Using negations scientists have finally discovered characteristics,
which make humans different from other spices, which live on the planet. Qualities,
which make humans different, are reasoning and moral conduct. So, reasoning
and ability to make moral judgements are exceptional characteristics peculiar
to humans only.
Arguments about the source of moral conduct gave birth to the development of
many theories explaining this issue. These controversial approaches can be divided
into two different types of moral development theories.
The first group of theories stands at the point that children acquire moral
norms and standards during the process of socialization in the course of interaction
with other members of the society. This means that custom is a source of moral
conduct, which is developed and acquired during the process of socialization.
Followers of the last group of theories often turn to social learning or behaviorist
theories. Particular feature, which unites this type of theories, is the belief
that morality norms are not the born peculiarity of human nature but is something
attained during the human life. Examples of so children who grew up outside
the society serves as a proof of this approach as these children do not show
the patterns of moral conduct peculiar to other members of the society.
Another group of theories states that children are born with ready moral standards
and only develop them while growing up (Piaget, Kohlberg). Adherents of this
approach believe that moral conduct is a characteristic of the mind people are
born with. This group of theories treats moral like an integral part of human
psychics. Usually these theories are united under the name of psychoanalytic
theories. Specialists who turn to cognitive development theories hold the opinion
that reasoning is the main feature, which distinguishes human creatures from
all the rest. Jean Piaget, psychologist from Switzerland dedicated a lot of
time to the research of reasoning and moral conduct. He studied the way moral
conduct was developed starting from the childhood and formed his own concepts
concerning this issue. According to his theory, moral reasoning isn’t
imposed to children by the society. Through the series of research and experiments
he came to the conclusion that children perform rather active than passive role
while adopting social norms and regulations (Piaget). According to Kant, all
humans should follow universal moral low and “act only on that maxim by
which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.”
(Kant, 227). Intellect operates twelve a priori forms, called categories. Kant
stated that a priori forms are empty by their nature and need to be filled in
by the empirical elements to become effective. Same as glass itself is a very
useful device but can help us to get rid of the thirst only filled in with the
water. I believe that this approach is more credible. I think that the research
made by psychologists and philosophers proves that our mind is a primary source
of moral conduct and reasoning is an integral part of human nature.
As we can see scientists can’t give one universal answer to the question
about source of moral conduct. Presenting two controversially different approaches,
two types of development theories turn to different aspects of the problem and
give different explanations of the work of moral mechanisms. Two types of theories
are mutually exclusive. Focusing on the moral conduct, these theories pay little
attention to the behavioral patterns and their role in the life of an individual.
From the other side, social learning theories do not support thesis about free
will and moral choices and count only on behavior modification techniques.
1. Bersoff, David M. and Joan G. Miller. “Culture, Context, and the Development
of Moral Accountability Judgments.” Developmental Psychology29, no. 4
(July 1993): 664–77.
2. Piaget, J. The Moral Judgment of the Child. New York: The Free Press, 1965.
3. Kohlberg, Lawrence. Essays on Moral Development, I: The Philosophy of Moral
Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice. San Francisco: Harper &
Row, 1981.
4. Kant Immanuel, Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, translated by H.J.
Paton (New York: Harper & Row, 1964)